10 things I miss in Energylandia

Energylandia is undoubtedly the best amusement park in Poland. The largest, with the largest number of attractions, top rollercoasters, and also the largest outdoor water park. What’s more, the quality of attractions, the park, cleanliness and even the gastronomic offer are at a high European level. Unfortunately, there are areas where something could still be improved or something is missing. In this post I will present you 10 things that I personally miss in Energylandia.

1. More greenery, trees and sandy beaches

The problem of our times is the ubiquitous concretosis. Cutting and eliminating greenery is largely visible in city centers. In place of green spaces, tons of concrete are laid. In Energylandia, there are also many places that, in my opinion, could have been designed a bit differently. Increase the plant mass at the expense of concrete.

Wejście do Aqualantis brakuje w energylandii
Entrance to Aqualantis

This problem is most visible in the area of the Formula rollercoaster, in the entire zone Aqualantis, and also Sweet Valley. Wide, long paths made of concrete blocks, and in addition many concrete buildings. All of this heats up so much on hot days that there is simply nowhere to hide in the shade.

Formuła i restauracja Formuła brakuje w energylandii
Formula and Formula Restaurant

It’s not that bad everywhere. There are several places in Energylandia where greenery has been incorporated. The Swiss Village has a very nice atmosphere, also well enough in the Viking Village and Fairytale Land. Dragon Castle also looks great. We will find in it a large number of low vegetation, trees as well as large areas of grass. However, heading towards Aqualantis, the amount of vegetation decreases, until we come across a large concrete field. It is similar in the area of the Speed rollercoaster, the Jungle Adventure attraction, the Viking Ride and the Extreme Show. Lots of concrete sidewalks, walls and not very impressive buildings.

Smoczy Gród widziany z Wonder Wheel
Dragon Castle seen from Wonder Wheel

Increasing vegetation would primarily improve water circulation. It would provide shelter on hot days, and would also make the areas more cozy, greener, and more pleasant to relax in.

More sandy beaches and lawns in the Water Park

As in some zones, also in Water Park in my opinion, the concrete has been overdone. Practically everywhere in the vicinity of swimming pools and water attractions we have wide paths paved with concrete blocks and slabs. There is very little greenery, and what there is is under the deck chairs. Therefore, its quality leaves much to be desired. There is a lack of sandy beaches, lawns and trees, which would provide some shade and improve the overall image of the entire water zone. I realize that we can’t count on real palm trees. However, we have many species of trees that would work great in a water zone.

Big Milk Water Park brakuje w energylandii
Big Milk Water Park

2. Playrooms/waiting rooms and playgrounds

It’s hard to expect Energylandia to have to build large playgrounds or indoor play areas. After all, the entire amusement park is a huge playground with large carousels and attractions. Despite everything indoor playrooms would be ideal during rainy weather, in winter, to warm up a bit and the child would not be bored. In addition, the ideal solution would be a playroom in the Dragon City and another one near Hyperion, so that the parent could calmly go on an extreme ride, and a child under 140 cm tall could remain under supervision in a closed and covered playground.

Plac zabaw w Smoczym Grodzie
Playground in the Dragon Castle

The second issue concerns classic playgrounds. There are few of them in Energylandia. We will find one after entering the Dragon City, another very small and modest between Atlanis and Splash Battle. We also have a water playground in Aqualantis before entering the rollercoaster Crew Light Explorers. Usually, these neighborhood playgrounds are much bigger, offer a variety of devices and attractions, and at the same time accommodate more children. In Energylandia, one or two such playgrounds would also provide a break from standing in lines for attractions, a place for children to run around, or a place where one parent could wait with the children while the other enjoys extreme attractions.

Wodny plac zabaw w Aqualantis
Aqualantis Water Playground

3. Free drinking water taps

Without a doubt, a great idea would be to introduce publicly available and free cold drinking water taps. Yes, we can take bottled water in our backpacks, and we can replenish it by buying water at numerous food and beverage outlets. First, on a hot day, the water we carry will heat up quickly. Second, carrying several bottles for several people weighs down the backpack, and on top of that, the prices of a half-liter of water in stores are relatively high.

Automat z napojami w Energylandii
A drinks machine at Energylandia

In my opinion, it is worth reaching out to guests. In each zone, install several points with drinking water that people could use to refill their bottles, and also not carry it around the entire park.

4. Second transition to new zones

In Energylandia I miss the second tunnel leading to the Dragon Castle. The current tunnel is no longer sufficient on crowded days in my opinion. There is a large crowd around the Formula restaurant, and the tunnel is simply cramped. If we add to this the children running underfoot and the workers passing by, the comfort of this passage is average at best. Currently, the tunnel leads to two zones: Dragon Castle and Aqualantis. Soon it will also serve guests heading to Sweet Valley. I think a second tunnel should be built. Preferably near the entrance to the Mayan rollercoaster, or behind the Formula rollercoaster, leading straight to Sweet Valley near the Honey Harbor rollercoaster.

Tunel do nowych stref brakuje w energylandii
Tunnel to the Dragon Castle

5. Free parking for holders of annual tickets

A very nice gesture towards guests would be to introduce free parking for people with an annual ticket. Legendia has introduced such a solution, thanks to which when we visit the park frequently, we do not have to incur an additional cost each time.

Personally, I would be willing to pay a few dozen zlotys more for an annual ticket and in return receive the possibility of unlimited free parking.

Główny parking brakuje w energylandii
The main parking lot at Energylandia

6. Clearer signposts to attractions

I’m not saying that there aren’t enough signs and signposts in Energylandia. I do think that they are too small and/or in the wrong places. In addition, many signposts are in different styles, fonts and colors, making them hard to spot. A solution for not getting lost in the park is to use a paper map. For people who don’t have their bearings, a great solution is a free phone app that will guide you around the park.

Energylandia Map

Despite everything I often meet people who have trouble finding RMF Dragon, Jungle Adventure and Anaconda. They go up the stairs to the safety deposit boxes, not the entrance to Speed. They wander around looking for the entrance to Abyssus, and then look for access to the safety deposit boxes after Abyssus. There are even people who can’t get from Mayan to the Dragon Castle. And in the Dragon Castle itself they don’t know where the regular entrance to Zadra is and where the Fast Pass entrance is.

The road between Mayan and the Dragon City

I think that Energylandia lacks large and unified signposts, which will indicate the route to individual attractions from each main route. You can even think of screens with an interactive map, displays showing the direction and time to reach individual carousels and rollercoasters, and even signposts painted on the sidewalks.

Drogowskazy w Smoczym Grodzie
Signposts in the Dragon Castle

7. Benches on the paths to attractions

After a few hours of visiting Energylandia, when on a hot day we end up in a queue for several dozen minutes for the next attraction, our legs simply refuse to obey. In such places many people decide to sit on a wall, a curb, or simply on the ground. In my opinion, where there is room, long benches should be installed so that you can sit down and rest for a few minutes.

Strefa odpoczynku w Energylandii
Relaxation zone at Energylandia

In my opinion, benches could appear at the entrance to Zadra, Formula, Speed, or Aztec Swing. I will add that in some places there are no sunshades, or they were installed only in front of the attraction itself. Combined with the missing vegetation, hot concrete and long queue, this is a recipe for quick overheating and even heat stroke.

8. Safety deposit boxes at some attractions

What I love about Energylandia is its variety, cheapness and ease of use deposit lockers. Lockers have been installed in front of virtually every major attraction, as well as in public areas. However, there are a few places that I simply miss in Energylandia. I’m referring to the Atlantis and Jungle Adventure attractions. In the case of Atlantis, the problem is a bit bigger. If we get into the pontoon with 4 people, there is simply nowhere to put two backpacks. Yes, we can put them between our legs, but there is a big risk that they will be flooded with water. On the Jungle Adventure, backpacks can be placed in a round holder in the middle of the raft. However, it would be more convenient to simply put personal items in the locker.

Szafki depozytowe w Water Parku
Safety deposit boxes in Water Park

In Energylandia I also miss the lockers at Tsunami Drop, Viking and Aztec Swing (from 2023, deposit lockers will be installed at Viking). Although we can leave our personal belongings on the attraction itself on open shelves, the possibility of using lockers in front of the attraction would speed up loading and unloading of the attraction.

Szafki depozytowe przed Zadrą
Deposit lockers in front of Zadra

9. Summary list of attractions with waiting times

During the season, long queues for attractions can form at Energylandia, sometimes requiring a wait of up to an hour. There are two ways to check the current waiting time in queues, so that we can plan what and when we will complete. One method is to check the times on the screens, several of which were placed around the park. The second method is the Energylandia app, where we can check the waiting time for almost any attraction from anywhere. Unfortunately, in the app we have to manually search for attractions on the map and click on each one individually to find out the waiting time.

Ekrany z czasem oczekiwania w Aqualantis
Waiting time screens at Aqualantis

In my opinion a better solution would be to create one collective website or table in the application, where we would have the names of attractions listed (alphabetically or divided into zones), and the waiting time would be visible next to them. This would definitely speed up finding the information we need and increase the comfort of using the application.

Czas oczekiwania na Ekipa Light Explorers
Waiting time for the Light Explorers Team

10. More extreme attractions and rollercoasters

On the Internet, I have come across numerous opinions from people who claim that Energylandia lacks a larger number of extreme and top attractions. In my opinion, the number of strong attractions is quite sufficient for a visit to the park 1-2 times a year. On the other hand, the park is developing really fast. However, for people like me, who visit Zator more often, after a few rides on Hyperion, Zadra, Abyssus, Speed, Mayan, Space Booster and Aztec Swing, the strong impressions start to disappear.


Energylandia advertises itself as a park for entire families and also offers numerous attractions for the youngest. However, in each new site where several new attractions appear, usually only one can be considered extreme. In Dragon City we have Zadra, in Aqualantis Abyssus, in the Extreme Zone number one is Hyperion, and in Sweet Valley we have no strong attractions.

Hyperion nocą
Hyperion at night

I realize that building huge attractions year after year for tens of millions of zlotys is impossible, and we still have to wait for the next top rollercoasters.

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