You will ask: Where to put your phone, backpack or purse? Can you go to attractions with a backpack, sunglasses and a bottle of water? Where are the safety deposit boxes?, only at the beginning of the park, or also in other places? Will there be anywhere to put personal items in the water area? And if so, then how much is it,how to buy a locker band at Energylandia and how to use caches?
I’ll tell you straight: I love the solution that Energylandia has, which I miss in Legend.

Deposit lockers at Energylandia
There are dozens of large deposit lockers in Energylandia, where we can (and at some attractions we have to) put away larger personal items. These lockers are a bit like the famous parcel lockers, and their operation is really simple.
Energylandia and the attraction operators are guided by safety, which is why we cannot come to the large attractions with backpacks or handbags. We must place them in safety deposit boxes in advance. We can only take a hat, glasses or phone (except Hyperion) to the attraction station, which we can leave free of charge on the open shelves.

Where are the lockers located in Energylandia?
You will find lockers in Energylandia at the ticket office square, where you can even store a small suitcase or a few backpacks. Then, after entering the park you will find smaller cabinets that will easily accommodate a backpack and a purse or two smaller backpacks.
These lockers are located in front of each major attraction and include:
- Hyperion,
- Energus,
- Boomerang,
- Mayan,
- Anaconda,
- Formula,
- Dragon,
- Speed,
- Zadra,
- Ekipa Light Explorers,
- Tidal Wave Twister,
- Abyssus,
- Viking,
- Choco Chip Creek,
- Water Park.

Which attractions don’t have safety deposit boxes?
Unfortunately, not every attraction in Energylandia has lockers where we can leave our personal belongings. Fortunately, in this case, there is no problem with entering the attraction with, for example, a backpack. In the case of Jungle Adventure or Atlantis pontoons, we simply take the backpack and bag with us on board the pontoon. In the case of attractions such as Aztec Swing or Tsunami Drop, we leave the backpack or bag next to the attraction on a specially designated shelf. This is the list of attractions for which we will not use dedicated lockers. In this case, we either take our personal belongings with us or use other lockers within the park.
- Aztec Swing,
- Tsunami Drop,
- Apocalypto,
- Atlantis (we’re taking it with us),
- Jungle Adventure (we take it with us),
- Toffifee Gold Mine,
- Viking Ride (we take it with us),
- Splash Battle (we take it with us),
- Wonder Wheel (we take it with us),
- the dragon,
- Frida,
- Grotto Expedition (we take it with us),
- all attractions in Bajkolandia.

How big are the lockers in Energylandia?
Each cabinet has a capacity of 56 litres and internal dimensions: depth 40 cm, width 39 cm and height 36 cm. It can easily fit one normal backpack, a women’s handbag, two large bottles of water, and other small items.

How to buy a wristband for lockers at Energylandia?
There is a machine next to each locker where you can purchase a wristband. We must have a payment card or cash in coins.
- On the machine screen we choose whether we buy the locker for cash or pay by card.
- Then we insert the counted cash or touch the card to the terminal.
- After a moment, the payment will be finalized and the band will come out of the hole below.
- Peel off the protective piece on the back of the band and stick it, preferably around the wrist.
The bands are waterproof, so we can use water attractions there without any problems.

How to open a locker in Energylandia?
We approach any deposit locker in Energylandia and insert our hand with the wristband into the hole with the scanner. After a moment, the display will show the number of the assigned locker and such a locker will automatically open. We put our things in and close the locker. That’s it.

In some lockers, especially in Aqualantis or on Hyperion, after scanning the wristband, a question will appear on the screen asking if we want to use the locker. Click Assign a locker and the cabinet will be opened.

How to collect your belongings from the lockers at Energylandia?
We put our hand back into the reader and the locker opens after a moment. Some lockers ask whether we are releasing the locker (taking our things and not coming back) or whether we just want to open it for a moment, without releasing it for other people. Please note that if you choose to release a locker, you will no longer be able to open it!

I have also noticed that many people after exiting the attraction do not know how to get back to their lockers (especially on Formula, Dragon, or Boomerang). They try to go back so that they get to the lockers where they opened them. In fact, in the above-mentioned attractions the lockers are double-sided. That is, before the attraction we put our things, and then after leaving the attraction we open the locker on the other side. It is similar on Abyssus, Zadra, Mayan and many other attractions. Of course, there are also single-sided lockers, like in front of the Team, in the water zone, or in public areas.

What to do when the cabinet won’t open or our things are stuck in it because of our bad choice?
You simply should not panic. Usually, there is an employee in an Energylandia uniform at each locker. Thanks to this, we will easily find him. Let’s describe the situation and ask for help. The employee will certainly help us open the locker and recover our personal items.
How much do deposit lockers cost at Energylandia Park?
You can check the current price of lockers in Energylandia in a dedicated entry.