Where are photos taken on Energylandia attractions?

On rollercoasters and larger attractions it is strictly forbidden to take photos or film with your own equipment. What’s more, just having a smartphone in your hands or even in your pocket is not a good idea. You should not, under any circumstances, enter larger attractions with items in your pockets. So how do you get photos of the attractions at Energylandia?

There are two methods. The first is obtaining permission from security to enter the attraction with your own sports camera, such as GoPro. The second is to buy a photo that will be taken by Energylandia cameras. These cameras are usually installed in the most interesting places in the attraction.

Aparat i lampa błyskowa na spływie pontonowym Jungle Adventure
Camera and flash on the Jungle Adventure rafting trip

Each ride and each row in the carriage is photographed, so we are always sure that after leaving the attraction we will be able to buy a photo, magnet or keychain with our photo. You can read about the price of photos from the attraction in the entry: How much do photos from attractions at Energylandia cost?

Also check out how to buy photos and how to download its digital version in the entry: Photos from the attractions in the Energylandia park.

What attractions are photos taken at?

27 attractions in Energylandia have cameras installed taking pictures of us. Here is the full list (as of April 2023):

Extreme attractions:

  • Zadra
  • Abyssus
  • Speed
  • Mayan
  • Hyperion
  • Formula
  • Viking

Family attractions:

  • Tidal Wave Twister
  • Energus Smiejjellies
  • RMF Dragon
  • Grotto Expedition
  • Jungle Adventure
  • Anaconda
  • Ekipa Light Explorers
  • Boomerang
  • The dragon
  • Frida
  • Dragon Adventure
  • Fruit Loops
  • Mars

Attractions for the youngest:

  • Circus Coaster
  • Jeep Safari
  • Happy Loops
  • Magic Fly
  • Dwarf Farm
  • Little planes

At what point and where exactly is the photo taken in Energylandia?

Extreme rollercoasters:

Hyperion: The photo is taken just after the main drop at the end of the tunnel. Cameras are on both the left and right sides.

Gdzie aparat robi zdjęcie na Hyperionie w Energylandii

Zadra: the photo is taken right after the main drop. The camera is on the right.

Gdzie aparat robi zdjęcie na Zadrze w Energylandii

Abyssus: the photo is taken at the end of the second acceleration. The camera is on the left.

Gdzie aparat robi zdjęcie na Abyssusie w Energylandii

Formula: the photo is taken right after the entire loop. The camera is on the left.

Gdzie aparat robi zdjęcie na Formule w Energylandii

Mayan: the photo is taken at the lowest point of the ride, right next to the building. The camera is on the ground on the right.

Gdzie aparat robi zdjęcie na Mayanie w Energylandii

Family rollercoasters:

Boomerang: the photo is taken right after leaving the station, and also in the same place when returning backwards. The camera is on the left.

Gdzie aparat robi zdjęcie na Boomerangu w Energylandii

Ekipa Light Explorers: the photo is taken immediately after leaving the station, and also in the same place when returning backwards. The camera is on the left.

Gdzie aparat robi zdjęcie na Ekipie w Energylandii

Viking: the photo is taken after reaching the lowest point after the first two drops. The camera is on the right.

Gdzie aparat robi zdjęcie na Vikingu w Energylandii

Speed Water Coaster: the photo is taken immediately after the main drop. The camera is on the left.

Gdzie aparat robi zdjęcie na Speedzie w Energylandii

RMF Dragon: the photo is taken at the very end of the main drop, at the very entrance to the dragon’s mouth. The camera is on the right.

Gdzie aparat robi zdjęcie na Dragonie w Energylandii

Energus: The photo is taken at the lowest point after passing the main drop and a sequence of bends. The camera is on the right.

Gdzie aparat robi zdjęcie na Energusiu w Energylandii

Frida: The photo is taken almost at the end of the run, in the second circle of the figure eight. The camera is on the left.

Gdzie aparat robi zdjęcie na Fridzie w Energylandii

The dragon: the photo is taken right after the main drop. The camera is on the right side.

Gdzie aparat robi zdjęcie na Drakenie w Energylandii

Mars: the photo is taken after the first drop, loop and right turn, just before the slowing section. The camera is on the right side.

Aparat na rollercoasterze Mars

Fruit Loops: the photo is taken immediately after the first drop. Camera installed on the left side.

Aparat na Frutti Loop

Circus: the photo is taken immediately after the first turn. The camera is on the right.

Aparat na Circus Coaster

Happy Loops: the photo is taken in the middle pass of the figure eight at the bottom. The camera is placed on the left side.

Happy Loops zdjęcie

Dragon Adventure: the photo is taken at the very end of the ride, just as you enter the station. The camera is on the left.

Anaconda: the photo is taken right at the end of the second run, just before the splash. The camera is on the left.

Atlantis: the photo is taken closer to the end of the trip, while passing under short tunnels. The camera is in the second mini-tunnel from the left.

Jungle Adventure: the photo is taken almost at the very end of the trip, a bit after passing the first waterfalls. The camera is on the left.

Tidal Wave Twister: the photo is taken when the attraction plate is at the middle highest point. The camera is on the roof of the building.

How do I get permission to enter the attractions at Energylandia with my own camera?

There’s nothing like having your own footage of the attraction. While in the case of children’s and family attractions, having a GoPro camera won’t be a big problem, in the case of rollercoasters and all extreme attractions, we won’t be allowed in with a camera without permission.

In order to ride with your own camera, you must have a chest harness and a screw to attach the camera to the harness holder. With the camera in this way, you approach the Energylandia security staff after entering the park and ask for permission to ride with the camera. The security guard will check our harness and camera mount. If nothing arouses his suspicions, we will receive a sticker from him, which we need to stick to the harness in a visible place.

The list of attractions where photos are taken is not complete yet. Please come back soon.

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