Wonder Wheel podczas Magic Night Wonder Wheel podczas Magic Night

Is it worth going to Magic Night at Energylandia?

In 2025, there will be 2 editions of the night fun Magic Night w Energylandii.On these days the park in Zator will be open from 10:00 to 23:00. You can also count on an extension to 11:30 PM or midnight if the turnout is high on one of those days. Magic Night in EnergyLandia will take place on Saturdays on the following days:

  • July 12, 2025,
  • August 9, 2025.
Aztec Swing Magic Night
Aztec Swing during Magic Night

What attractions and surprises await us during Magic Night, how many people can we expect and is it worth going to Magic Night at Energylandia? I will try to answer these questions later in this post.

Attractions during Magic Night at Energylandia

During night time fun at Energylandia all attractions are operational. A real treat is to ride the Hyperion, Zadra or Abyssus in almost complete darkness. Of course, in July we only have about 2 hours of real night, and in the second half of August almost 3 hours (shorter days). So you have to hurry if you want to see the most interesting attractions in the dark.

Abyssus nocą
Abyssus at night

In addition, during Magic Night there are night editions of many artistic shows, including the Fire Show and the stunt show Extreme Show. In turn in the water zone of Big Milk Water Park there is a Beach Party with a disco hosted by DJs known from Energy2000 clubs.

Beach Party w Water Parku
Beach Party at Water Park

The fireworks show has been canceled in 2023. Too bad 🙁

There is a fireworks show at around 9:50 p.m., which we can see and hear from almost the entire park. The fireworks show lasts about 5-6 minutes and beautifully illuminates the park area. It is quite a treat to admire the fireworks on one of the attractions. I recently managed to ride the Abyssus bathed in loud and colorful shots.

Pokaz sztucznych ogni w Energylandii
Fireworks show at Energylandia in 2022

At 10:45 p.m. the night parade begins, enhanced with LED lights and fire effects. I have to admit that the night parade is impressive and it is worth staying until the end to see it. I also managed to watch the parade from the top of the Wonder Wheel. I have to admit that the view was phenomenal.

Wonder Wheel nocą
Wonder Wheel at night

How many people are there during Magic Night in Energylandia?

A lot. The better the weather, the bigger the crowds. Many people come from the other end of Poland specifically on Magic Night to have fun for 13 hours. So if you’re going for a night of fun, expect long lines for the attractions. Several editions of Magic Night in 2022 were disrupted by the weather. During the first Magic Night, it rained intermittently, which effectively chased away a large group of guests. During the second edition of Magic Night, an intense storm with hail the size of golf balls passed, damaging the bodies of many cars in the parking lot. It wasn’t any better on other „nights” at Energylandia in 2022.

Tłum ludzi w Magic Night w Energylandii
A crowd of people during Magic Night in Energylandia

How much does Magic Night at Energylandia cost?

There is no separate ticket or surcharge for nightly entertainment. We use Energylandia during Magic Night in exactly the same way as on any other day. We buy a ticket and we come in at whatever time we want and stay until 11pm.

Zachód słońca w Energylandii
Sunset at Energylandia

Is it worth going to Magic Night at Energylandia?

Definitely yes, if we like night fun, are not afraid of standing in lines and are not people who like to go to bed early. Be sure to expect long lines and traffic jams when leaving the parking lot after the fun is over.

Klimatycznie oświetlone zakątki Smoczego Grodu
Atmospherically lit corners of the Dragon Castle

Of course we can go to Magic Night with children, but only if they can stay up late to party.Let younger children know about the fireworks show, because the noise during the shots can actually pierce the entire body.

Piękne podświetlenie Zadry
Beautiful backlighting of Zadra

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