The amusement park in Zator in 2024 was open from the beginning of April until February 2025. In the early spring and winter period, it was not possible to have fun at Energylandia every day, because there are days when the park itself is closed. In turn, the opening of the water zone in Energylandia, as well as its closing, is not the same as the park’s opening days. For detailed information on when Energylandia is open, see the entry: What months are best to go to Energylandia?

The situation with the water zone is slightly different, where we will find four dedicated zones with slides, swimming pools and water playgrounds. Energylandia website you can read that the water park is open on days with favorable weather and air temperature exceeding 20°C.

When is the water zone opening at Energylandia?
In 2023 already On April 29, the Big Milk Water Park zone will open.
On the other hand Tropical Fun, Exotic Islands and Bamboo Bay will launch a month later – on May 27, 2023.

Also keep in mind that in previous years, the Water Park in Energylandia opened on different days. It may be no different next year.
When will the water zone in Energylandia be closed?
All pool areas, i.e. Big Milk Water Park, Exotic Islands and Tropical Fun were open until September 11, 2022. On the other hand On September 25, 2022, the entire water park was completely closed, including Bamboo Bay and sun loungers.